What is the Cause and Effect of Breaking a Family

If you have an idea on how to create a fantastic essay, you must be aware that a cause and effect of broken family is also very important. This will help you come up with an excellent essay that can make parents proud. But before you even start to write, you have to know first what can cause and effect of a broken marriage. Here are the examples of what can cause and effect of broken family.

The biggest cause and effect of breaking up of family is poor living conditions for the family members. The members of a family should not live in extreme poverty. They should have decent and appropriate living conditions. The lack of these conditions will cause severe conflict and problems within the family unit.

You can put a cause that leads to divorce. A man who is unsatisfied with his wife can file for divorce. If the wife is not willing to give up her dream of having a good job, the man can file for divorce. If both of them want a solution for their marriage problem, both of them should sit down together and draw out a plan. A marriage without a plan is like a ship floating aimlessly about in the sea.

A cause and effect of broken family essay can be found when one of the members of the family dies. There should be a cause. The loss of the loved one will certainly affect everyone in the family. This can trigger an argument between the members of the family until enough time has passed.

Aside from death, another cause and effect of death is illness. This effect can be caused by the sickness or the death of a member of the family. `s latest blog post of an old parent can cause the family to become ill because of the legacy left behind. The illness caused by the death can be healed or at least managed better when the member of the family is still living. This can also cause family members to argue because they do not understand how the illness can be remedied.

The cause and effect of broken family essay can be found when one of the spouses dies. This can cause arguments between the surviving members of the family because of the legacy left behind. When one of the spouses dies, the surviving spouse should have some sort of support for his/her dependents. If the surviving spouse does not have a job, the spouse should look for a job. This can cause the death to have an effect on the lives of the dependents if they do not have their own job.

The situation can be more serious when both of the spouses die. If one of the spouses was the breadwinner, then the death of that breadwinner can cause resentment among the remaining family members. This can cause the family to argue about the inheritance because of who had the financial responsibility. This can cause and effect of broken family essay to occur.

In general, it is important to write about the situation that you find to be the most important. This can help you write a stronger essay. This can be one way to figure out if there is a cause and effect to be found in your situation. The cause and effect of broken family can be very different depending on the situation. The best thing to do is read as much as you can about broken families in literature and other types of literature. This can help you to determine what you are considering when writing a response to a cause and effect essay.

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